Monthly Updates [January]
These update threads only contains major updates. If you're interested in seeing all minor changes you can follow our Commits Page on GitHub or Updates Channel in Discord.
Wiki Updates
Created which lists all the guides we have throughout FMHY.
Re-ordered Game DDL based on poll results. Congrats to CS.RIN for coming out on top.
Added both Sideloading and Social Media App sections to iOS.
Added section to Audio Tracking.
Cleaned up Font section + split it into subcategories: Open Source / Free Fonts.
Added guides + better descriptions to all the Jailbreaking Tools.
Added License Tags to Stock Photo Sites.
De-bloated IDEs section in dev tools.
Stars Added ⭐
Starred Image FX in Image Gen + Video FX in Video Gen. AI generators made by Google, US only.
Starred Alu in Proxy Sites. Proxy site similar to things like HolyUnblocker.
Starred Lively in Wallpaper Managers. Feature-rich live wallpaper manager for Windows.
Starred BandLab in Audio Browser Editors. Popular and feature-rich digital audio workstation.
Starred Kvaesitso in Android App Launchers. Feature-rich, search focused launcher.
Starred SideStore in iOS Sideloading. Fork of AltStore that doesn't require PC.
Starred uYouEnhanced in iOS YouTube apps. Modded YouTube IPA.
Starred The Book of Secret Knowledge in Linux Software. Lists, manuals, cheatsheets, tools and more.
Starred You Don't Need JavaScript in CSS Tools. Curated list of CSS demos.
Things Removed
Removed Filehaus as they've shut down
Unstarred GoGoAnime as they're no longer adding new content.