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Adblocking / Privacy

Adblocking, Privacy, VPN's, Proxies, Antivirus

Adblocking ​


Don't run multiple general adblockers (e.g., uBlock Origin and Adblock Plus) simultaneously to avoid breakage. Combining general adblockers with tools like SponsorBlock is fine.

Adblock Filters ​

Redirect Bypass ​

DNS Adblocking ​


If your goal is to block browser ads, it's best to just stick with uBlock Origin, as additional filters can cause conflicts or anti-adblock.

Linux Adblocking ​

Mac Adblocking ​

Android Adblocking ​

iOS Adblocking ​

Antivirus / Malware ​

File Scanners ​

Privacy ​

Privacy Indexes ​

Network Security ​

Linux Privacy ​

Mac Privacy ​

Android Privacy ​

iOS Privacy ​

Web Privacy ​

Browser Privacy ​

Password Privacy / 2FA ​

Email Privacy ​

Fingerprinting / Tracking ​

Search Engines ​



For torrenting, it's recommended to use a paid rather than free VPN. Free VPNs are only really useful for things like viewing sites blocked by your ISP / country.

VPN Tools ​

Proxy ​

Proxy Apps ​

Proxy Sites ​